Nate Hough-Snee, Ph.D., PWS
Meadow Run Environmental founder and Principal, Nate Hough-Snee, Ph.D., is an ecologist and professional wetland scientist (PWS #3081) with expertise in monitoring and restoring wetlands and floodplains in support of aquatic habitat, water quality, and salmon recovery goals. Nate has over 15 years of experience managing interdisciplinary wetland monitoring and restoration projects across the Pacific Northwest on behalf of tribal, federal, state, and local land, water, and natural resource management agencies. Nate has coordinated among these entities and led scientific teams to assess streams, wetlands, and floodplains across central Washington and the inland Northwest. As a restoration manager, Nate has designed vegetation maintenance plans and monitored habitat restoration projects for Yakama Nation Fisheries, the Snoqualmie Nation, UW's Union Bay Natural Area, Snohomish County Surface Water Management, the US Forest Service, and private landowners. As a scientist, Nate is proficient in wetland monitoring and mapping, and Washington State’s wetland rating systems for both western and eastern Washington. Located in scenic Chelan County, WA, Nate has extensive experience monitoring riparian and wetland vegetation change relative to restoration, hydrology and geomorphic change in the Wenatchee and Entiat Subbasins. He is also well-versed in restoration permitting under a variety of state and federal statutes, facilitating project development and implementation. A former president of the Society of Wetland Scientists Pacific Northwest Chapter, Nate has served in numerous leadership and scientific advisory roles working with policymakers, stakeholders, regulators, scientists, and the public to reach consensus and resolve diverse natural resource issues.